Monday 6 June 2016

Avon Supershock Mascara: Review

Hello my lovelies,
As you may or may not know, I am a mahoosive fan of mascaras. Mascara is the main part of my make up routine, it wouldn't be complete without it! 
So for a while, my go to mascaras were the Benefit 'Better Than Sex' and 'Roller Lash', up until very recently when I was given the Avon Supershock Mascara to try as a gift (Thank you!!xo)

During my younger teenage years I lived for Avon mascaras, but since getting jobs I've branched out to higher brands to try out. However, since getting this beauty into my hands again, I haven't looked back. My higher branded mascaras are stored well away and haven't been touched! I have fallen in love with Avon mascaras all over again. 

So the wand is very thick, this is amazing to me as you do not need to add much more product after first application, one coat is pretty much enough and it covers your lashes really well! Sometimes I do use an old dry mascara wand to even out my lashes a little in case too much product has been applied as it is so big, but it works so well! It extends my lashes enormously! I have previously been asked if I have used false lashes (never btw.. I need to try some!!), but my long lashes it all down to this beauty! I believe Avon have this product out all the time, and keep renewing them and re bringing them out so you will always be able to get another one - thank goodness! I do also curl my lashes before applying which leaves them looking longer and last all day too. Did I forget to mention it is also SUPER cheap???!

Here is my before and after photos (first attempt at this so don't judge my skills guys haha!- also, yes I know, I need to do my eyebrows hahaha) I hope you enjoyed this post, I definitely want to write more of these! Let me know what your fav mascara is in the comments!

Shani xox

Friday 27 May 2016

Lush Lip Scrub: Review

So over a month ago I had a little Lush shopping spree you may have seen my previous haul, if not then here is the link.. I also purchased this Lip Scrub but decided that I wanted to use it and test it before reviewing it for you guys. 
I did originally plan to write this up weeks ago, it has been sitting in my drafts for a while now but many weeks later I finally feel much better and back to myself (I also noticed that the last few posts have all been tags... oops) so here is my review!!

I tend to get quite dry cracked lips not only during winter and cold months but pretty much all year round. I bought the Clarins Lip Comfort Oil (I wrote about this in a blog post here) and yes this did do me wonders, but I found I was going through it so fast that when I saw the Lip Scrub at the Lush counter, I wondered if it would help my oil and other lip balms and lipsticks last a lot longer and not become dry or have my skin peeling off..

There were loads of different flavours available but as I was at the till, I didn't want to hold up the queue so I kind of picked up a random one and didn't really give it a look until I got home. So I picked up the bubblegum flavour - which I was very pleased with, as it smells amazingggggg! These products are made with sugar so when you scrub this onto your lips it will scrub all of the cracked dead skin away leaving you with soft smooth lips for the day. The scrub comes in a bright pink shade, which I was worried at first that it would stain my lips and leave behind a tint (which could be pretty cool for some people) but personally I didn't want that and was very pleased when it didn't leave a colour behind on my lips, allowing me to put my lip balm or lipsticks over the top with ease.

The scrub is so easy to use; you simply just scrub it into your lips as you would with a body exfoliator, use circular motions and rub your lip together, you can then lick this off (it is edible and it tastes quite nice!) you can also just wash it off if you don't want to lick it, I find that this leaves your lips feeling quite sticky and I always find pieces of sugar laying around so I prefer to lick it off haha. I also find that using this scrub leaves my lips feeling a little more plump than before - I love the word plump.. PLUMP (: 

I would genuinely recommend this product to anybody who suffers with dry and cracked lips, it has been a huge help in my life and I find myself using it all the time! Don't be put off by the scent or the colour, it just smells like sweet bubblegum candyfloss and the taste isn't that strong, just a little sweet. And the colour doesn't leave anything behind on your lips! TRY IT

The packaging is travel friendly, really small like a little lip balm pot. It also does include a lot of product inside, you don't need to use much at all! Although I find that it is quite difficult to get the product out, I use my finger to try to scrape it out and bits of sugar end up falling over the side sometimes, but I don't mind, I love it too much.

That's all from me, my very first review- let me know what you thought! Also if you have tried this before or any of the other lip scrubs let me know what you think of them!

Shani x

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Race For Life

Hey guys,
So recently I decided to sign up for the Race For Life - Pretty Muddy Race at Finsbury Park in July. Today I received my package containing all the information as well as my running number. I don't have a personal reason for doing this, I haven't suffered from losing anyone close to me to cancer, thankfully. But I still thought this would be an amazing thing to experience. So my friend and I will need to get our asses training as soon as possible since we are lazy sh*ts haha, it will definitely be hard work but will hopefully be so much fun! If anyone has any ideas to get us ready for this then please let us know in the comments!!

I have added a link to my JustGiving page below, please feel free to donate anything if you can, you obviously do not have to at all, but if you can it would be a great help! So I just thought I would put it out there :)
JustGiving - Sponsor me now!
Thanks :)
Shani x

Wednesday 13 April 2016

The Brunette Behind The Blog

I recently had a look at Dainty Alice's Blog and saw that she did a behind the screen type tag, and you may be able to tell but I actually quite enjoy doing tags so I thought I would give this a go too! 

On my days off I like to..
.. be super lazy, not that I'm not lazy on any other day, just even more lazy than usual. I'll eat junk food (although I did recently cook a meal instead of eat a takeaway) and binge watch Netflix and YouTube, have a social media stalk and pamper myself a little bit with a face mask etc. You will definitely not see me cleaning or doing anything proactive on a day off haha! This is something I really want to work on though, I want to start attending the gym a lot more often than I currently am (...none) and also start scheduling my revision time as it is exam season - boooooo!

The last thing I bought was..
.. a LOT. You can see some of the beauty products I purchased here, I also did a little clothes shop as well as lush and a few home ware products which I may share with you guys soon

The last country I visited was..
Turkey last September, me and some of my family went away for a week and did loads of activities out there. It was amazing I would definitely go back, there was so much more I would have loved to do! 

Can I speak another language?
Uh.. no. Unfortunately, I would love to be able to though

The last film I watched was..
Twilight - Eclipse, love these films! Still need to read the books - naughty Shani

My favourite TV show is..
This is such a hard question because I literally watch so many different shows, it's 1000% between The Walking Dead and Pretty Little Liars. Both finales have just left me mind-BLOWN!! How can they make us wait so long for the next seasons :( .. not happy

My favourite food is..
Pizza 4 ever ... But ribs would be second best!

My favourite place to eat is..
Oooo this is hard too! I do enjoy a TGI Fridays, or a cheeky Nandos

My perfect evening..
Cuddles in bed with bay, watching movies and eating a lot of junk food. Or a girly pamper is always a nice treat with a few drinks

Instagram or Snapchat?
I do enjoy most social media but I will have to go with Snapchat, it's just more interactive, and I love the filters haha

Facebook or Twitter?
I would usually say Facebook but I am really loving Twitter lately so I think its a bit of a tie

PC or Mac?
I have to go with PC just because I don't own a Mac but I am looking into getting one so this could change in time..

If I wasn't a blogger I would be..
Well I wouldn't really call myself a blogger, I'd still be a working student I just wouldn't spend some of my time typing my views online :) 

In 10 years time I would like to be..
Absolutely loaded haha! I would like to think that I would end up in an interesting job, somewhere around Computer Forensics or something. I'm not too sure yet but I'm sure i'll figure it out haha

My current wardrobe stables are..
Jeans, jumpers/tops and converse/trainers haha! Classssyyyyyyy

The items I am currently lusting after are..
The Too-Faced Chocolate Bar Eyeshadow Palette!!! and the Urban Decay Naked Concealer

My blogging goals for the next 6 months are..
To add more content to my page and add more a structure such as a weekly upload date. I would also hope that I will gain a bit of a following for my uploads :)

Okay your turn, comment below with a couple of your answers or better yet, do this on your blog too! 

Shani x

Monday 4 April 2016

My Bucket List

So I have seen this list going around on Facebook, I've ticked off the things that I have already done, and then added my own bucket list in the end of the blog, let me know what you have done too!

Shot a gun
Gone on a blind date
Skipped school 
Watched someone give birth
Watched someone die
Visited Canada
Visited Hawaii
Visited Europe 
Visited Las Vegas
Visited Asia
Visited Africa
Visited Florida
Visited Mexico
Seen the Grand Canyon in person
Flown in a helicopter
Served on a jury
Visited L.A
Cried yourself to sleep 
Recently coloured with pencils 
Sang karaoke 
Paid for a meal with coins only 
Make prank phone calls 
Laughed so much you cried 
Caught a snowflake on your tongue
Had children
Had a pet 
Been skinny-dipping
Abseiled down a building/cliff
Been downhill skiing
Been water skiing
Been camping in a tent ✔ (in the back garden?)
Driven a motorcycle
Been bungee-jumping
Gone to a drive-in movie
Done something that could have killed you
Done something that you will regret for the rest of your life 
Rode an elephant
Rode a camel
Eaten just cookies/cake/ice cream for dinner 
Been on TV 
Been in newspapers 
Stolen any traffic signs
Been in a car accident
Stayed in hospital 
Donated blood
Had to pay a fine in the past 12 months
Gotten a piercing 
Gotten a tattoo 
Driven an automatic car
Ever owned your dream car
Been married
Been divorced
Fell in love 
Fell out of love 
Paid for a strangers meal
Driven over 100mph
Worked in a pub 
Been scuba diving
Walked on burning coals
Eaten snails
Swam with dolphins
Swam with sharks
Found a dead body
Lived on your own 
Performed on stage 

So turns out I haven't done much at all! So I have added a few more things that I have either done or want to do in my life..

Go to a festival
Take part in a marathon e.g. colour run/mud run
Travel the world
Get more tattoos
Go to a concert 
Go on a hike
Ride a horse
Change my hair colour 
Be a tourist around my own city (London)
Go on a cruise
Go on a ghost hunt
Feed animals at the zoo
Name a star
Go on a road trip
Drive a jet ski  (I even fell off of it)
Take a cooking lesson
Blog consistenly for a year
Graduate from university
Learn the guitar
Go to the gym consistenly for a year
Drink more water! (8 glasses a day)
Become a strong swimmer
Slide down a water slide 
Make and bury a time capsule
Be a bridesmaid
See a musical 
Start a blog 
Go camping (actual camping)

I think that's enough for now haha, if you have done any of these or have your own bucket list feel free to share in the comments! 

Shani x

Sunday 20 March 2016

Get To Know Me More!

So a friend of mine did the 'Get To Know Me Tag' on her blog (check her out!) and she tagged me to do the same on mine so here we go..

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight? If I have left it down then it stays quite straight but if I have put it up into a bun and slept in it then the aftermath is like a lion's mane, thanks for that gene mum
2. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon? I do it myself, I will not lie this has resulted in ginger and green hair at times but it's all a part of learning haha
3. Do you wear the same style everyday, or do you change it? I wear my hair straight everyday, if I'm feeling super lazy I might do a fishtail braid but its rare. I do wish I could do lots of different things with my hair but I never think it suits me, especially curls.
4. Do you do your own nails or go to the salon? I very rarely paint my own nails unless I am super super bored but it doesn't last long, I usually have acrylic nails from the salon during the summer especially if I travel abroad or have a special occasion to go to.
5. How often do you change your nail polish? Well as I rarely paint them can I say never?
6. Do you polish your nails in the winter or just the summer? More likely in the summer but as I said I rarely paint them so I can't really say
7. How long does it take for you to put on your makeup? Depends on the occasion, daily makeup will take up to 15 minutes, if I'm going on a night out then it will take up to half hour, depends how friendly my eyeliner wants to be haha
8. What do you do first, face or eyes? Face first always
9. Do you collect makeup or just buy what you need when you need it? I like to collect different products and try different brands so I'd like to think I'm starting a bit of a collection
10. How often do you wear false eyelashes? I have never tried them, I personally don't think I need them also frightened to get glue in my eyeball.. ouch
11. Do you do a full face of makeup everyday? No, you can see my everyday makeup routine here
12. Do you wear makeup when you are home alone or with family? If I have travelled to visit my family that day then most likely, but if I stayed the night then no, I also don't wear makeup if I am alone at home.
13. Will you leave the house without makeup? Yeah if I pop down the shop or go to collect my mail
14. How many high-end products do you have? I have a few MAC products, I'm looking into trying some more high-end products too
15. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide in the morning? I usually just pick out anything comfortable when I'm getting ready, I'd make a bit more effort planning an outfit for a date or a night out
16. How often do you change your handbag? Not very often I only have 2 main ones, depends how much I'm taking out, I usually stick to my small handbag - thanks dad :P
17. How often do you blog? Well it seems to have been every 2 weeks, but I am going to try to start doing them more often, I haven't set a certain date to upload as I am usually quite busy (netflix)..
18. Do you read comments posted on blogs? Yeah I love to read viewers comments and opinions
19. Do you keep a list of products to try when reading other posts? Yes I like to try out products other people are raving about, gotta jump on the bandwagon 
20. What kind of camera do you use for your photographs? I have a Samsung bridge camera but I'm lazy so I use my phone haha

TAG! If you're reading this I want you to answer some of these questions too, comment below with your answers and I'll reply back :)

Shani x

Friday 26 February 2016


Hey everyone,

I thought I would start this thing off with a 'too much information' tag so you guys can get to know me a little with these 50 questions..

1. What are you wearing? I have my converse joggers on with my university hoodie, mmm cosy
2. Ever been in love? Yes
3. Ever had a terrible breakup? No not really
4. How tall are you? 5"4
5. How much do you weigh? Around 8 stone, haven't checked recently haha
6. Any tattoos? Yes I have a heart and infinity combined on my wrist
7. Any piercings? Yes I have my ears and my belly button pierced
8. OTP? Hanna and Caleb - Haleb 4eva
9. Favourite show? The Walking Dead
10. Favourite band? Ooo I don't think I really have one
11. Something you miss? Not having to be responsible haha
12. Favourite song? Lukas Graham - 7 Years
13. How old are you? 19
14. Zodiac sign? Libra
15. Quality you look for in a partner? A decent person
16. Favourite quote? "Life happens" - spoken from an alcohol intoxicated friend
17. Favourite actor? Channing Tatum
18. Favourite colour? Purple
19. Loud music or soft? Meaning screaming rock vs classical? Neither haha. Although I do like a ride range of music
20. Where do you go when your sad? My bed
21. How long does it take you to shower? 10-15 minutes without washing my hair, 25 minutes if I do wash my hair
22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 20-30 minutes, depends how late I am haha!
23. Ever been in a physical fight? Technically no
24. Turn on? Guys with a good bum 
25. Turn off? Smoking/drugs
26. The reason I created a blog? To gain more confidence and share my hobbies and thoughts
27. Fears? Insects - spiders, moths - evil creatures
28. Last thing that made you cry? Death of a family dog
29. Last time you said you loved someone? Monday when I saw my dad
30. Meaning behind your blog name? Hahaha well I am pretty, little and a flirt haha, no I'm kidding, just sounded catchy
31. Last book you read? The Piano Man Project
32. The book you're currently reading? Me Before You
33. Last show you watched? Shadowhunters
34. Last person you talked to? Tania
35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted? Friends/Flatmates
36. Favourite food? Pizza
37. Place you want to visit? There is a few, Australia, New York, Disney world
38. Last place you were? Work
39. Do you have a crush? Yes I do
40. Last time you kissed someone? I don't kiss and tell, soz
41. Last time you were insulted? A customer asked why my name was weird, and asked if my mum was drunk in the process of naming me..... hahaha
42. Favourite flavour of sweet? Strawberry
43. What instruments do you play? Violin and piano, I would be rusty now though. Also trying to learn the guitar
44. Favourite piece of jewellery? My Pandora charm bracelet
45. Last sport you played? Is gym a sport? Otherwise we'll be talking a year ago at college haha tennis and volleyball 
46. Last song you sang? Shawn Mendes - Stitches
47. Favourite chat up line? If you were a vegetable you'd be a cutecumber...
48. Have you ever used it? Yes, yes I have
49. Last time you hung out with anyone? Yesterday
50. Who should answer these questions next? My 2 friends both named Tania haha, one on her blog '' and the other on her YouTube channel 'freaklikemeee23'

That's all, thank you for reading

Shani x

My First.. post.

Hey! If you opened this blog post then your probably wondering what my blog will be about. What is this girl going to possibly write about? Well.. I don't really know, ha! I'm not too sure how this is going to work out if i'm honest, at college my friends and I contemplated creating a blog together but it never actually happened haha, one of them created one recently so I thought i'd follow her lead so screw it, here we go..

I'd like to think I have quite a big make up collection which is forever growing, so I will be sharing some of that on here with you guys, as well as skin care and reviews on all things such as books, TV series - the walking dead! ultimate fav. - but anyway I hope you enjoy any content I upload but don't expect much, I'm no expert! haha :)

Hopefully you'll return!

Shani x

One Year Blog Anniversary!

Hello lovelies! Yesterday was the anniversary of Pretty Little Flirt. A year ago, I decided to create a page on the internet where I co...