Wednesday 1 March 2017

One Year Blog Anniversary!

Hello lovelies!

Yesterday was the anniversary of Pretty Little Flirt. A year ago, I decided to create a page on the internet where I could share my thoughts and opinions for the world to see. I never imagined it building up how it has so far..

Thinking back to the person I was a couple of years ago, shy - not confident AT ALL, never really sticking to anything properly before, to be able to say I have blogged for a year is an achievement for me. I'm not going to say I didn't doubt myself countless times, or say I want to quit or don't want to do it anymore, because I did, a lot. But I always reminded myself that I do enjoy it and so I continue.. I always found taking a little break when I doubted myself really helped me realise I do enjoy it and miss it and then gives my the motivation to get back on it again

There have been so many highlights during my year of writing on the internet, here is just a few of them,
Some of my favourite posts so far have to be 'Pretty Little Thing Wish List', 'The Boyfriend Tag', I really enjoyed reviewing a lot of products such as 'Avon Mascara' 'Body Shop Serum and Moisturiser' 'Shadow Switch' etc

what was your fav?

So yeah, I did have some low moments of self doubt but I've also had some amazing moments. Either way, I am so happy that I pressed that publish button and leaped into something that I really had no knowledge about. I have grown as a person, online and off and I didn't even realise it

I want to say thank you to each and every person who has read any of my posts, it truly means a lot that someone takes time out of their day to read what I post and even comment. I love talking to loads of people on Twitter, you really do get to meet some lovely people and find friends for life x

Shani xox

One Year Blog Anniversary!

Hello lovelies! Yesterday was the anniversary of Pretty Little Flirt. A year ago, I decided to create a page on the internet where I co...