Friday, 27 May 2016

Lush Lip Scrub: Review

So over a month ago I had a little Lush shopping spree you may have seen my previous haul, if not then here is the link.. I also purchased this Lip Scrub but decided that I wanted to use it and test it before reviewing it for you guys. 
I did originally plan to write this up weeks ago, it has been sitting in my drafts for a while now but many weeks later I finally feel much better and back to myself (I also noticed that the last few posts have all been tags... oops) so here is my review!!

I tend to get quite dry cracked lips not only during winter and cold months but pretty much all year round. I bought the Clarins Lip Comfort Oil (I wrote about this in a blog post here) and yes this did do me wonders, but I found I was going through it so fast that when I saw the Lip Scrub at the Lush counter, I wondered if it would help my oil and other lip balms and lipsticks last a lot longer and not become dry or have my skin peeling off..

There were loads of different flavours available but as I was at the till, I didn't want to hold up the queue so I kind of picked up a random one and didn't really give it a look until I got home. So I picked up the bubblegum flavour - which I was very pleased with, as it smells amazingggggg! These products are made with sugar so when you scrub this onto your lips it will scrub all of the cracked dead skin away leaving you with soft smooth lips for the day. The scrub comes in a bright pink shade, which I was worried at first that it would stain my lips and leave behind a tint (which could be pretty cool for some people) but personally I didn't want that and was very pleased when it didn't leave a colour behind on my lips, allowing me to put my lip balm or lipsticks over the top with ease.

The scrub is so easy to use; you simply just scrub it into your lips as you would with a body exfoliator, use circular motions and rub your lip together, you can then lick this off (it is edible and it tastes quite nice!) you can also just wash it off if you don't want to lick it, I find that this leaves your lips feeling quite sticky and I always find pieces of sugar laying around so I prefer to lick it off haha. I also find that using this scrub leaves my lips feeling a little more plump than before - I love the word plump.. PLUMP (: 

I would genuinely recommend this product to anybody who suffers with dry and cracked lips, it has been a huge help in my life and I find myself using it all the time! Don't be put off by the scent or the colour, it just smells like sweet bubblegum candyfloss and the taste isn't that strong, just a little sweet. And the colour doesn't leave anything behind on your lips! TRY IT

The packaging is travel friendly, really small like a little lip balm pot. It also does include a lot of product inside, you don't need to use much at all! Although I find that it is quite difficult to get the product out, I use my finger to try to scrape it out and bits of sugar end up falling over the side sometimes, but I don't mind, I love it too much.

That's all from me, my very first review- let me know what you thought! Also if you have tried this before or any of the other lip scrubs let me know what you think of them!

Shani x

One Year Blog Anniversary!

Hello lovelies! Yesterday was the anniversary of Pretty Little Flirt. A year ago, I decided to create a page on the internet where I co...